Friday, November 23, 2007


I finished a patterned chullo (pattern: EZs fast cap) . I needed merino to knit it late Tuesday evening, so I picked up some Paton's at Meijer's and went to work.
Finished, lanolized, and ready to be handed over to it's owner tomorow afternoon.
Also included, my Abe and I relaxing on the sofa.


Anonymous said...

Love that hat! Can't believe you're not keeping it for one of your boys.

Abe is growing so much! Cute picture. Thanks for showing us.

BTW - finally getting back on the blog wagon here. Hope you have a free minute (remember those??) to check it out.

Knitterella said...

Ashley, that hat rocks!!! Great work. You must knit on to keep for yourself!

Abe looks so sweet :)