I have been working on a few things. I can never work on just one thing. I have about ten pairs of longies to knit for Taso and Azalea. Taso is getting so tall, the legs take forever and it gets so boring knitting around and around! I have only knit soakers and a pair of shorties for Azalea so far and those knit up quick. Her longies will go quick since she is so little. I ran a Peace Fleece co-op and now have a lot of Peace Fleece for the longies. Pretty much all of Taso and Azalea's longies will be made from Peace Fleece this winter. I don't know about all that jive about Peace Fleece being rough and scratchy, seems pretty soft to me and I have yet to even lanolize. Anyway, some pictures...
My new toy.

After we took out the hanks for some women on wool_soaker_group, Taso had some fun!

I whipped this set up in about a half hour while cleaning my sewing room. Longies and a wetbag from a felted sweater.

I accidentally sewed the waistband on inside out, oh well!